Somvan Sodarny

One quite well-known female actress, Ms. Somvan Sodarny had all the charm and talents needed to be a great star. Usually, most of the movies that she made were dramas. In fact, her best movies were those that involved lots of crying. Thavory Meas Bong for example, she played as the big sister of Ms. Vichara Darny. In this movie, they fell in love with the same man, Thavory, however got married with him. Now, the drama part began as Thavory fell into the dirty plot set up by her own little sister to drive her away from her husband. However, when it came to non-drama, like the movie called, "Chnam Orn 16" (I am 16 years old), where Ms. Somvan Sodarny played a naive and confused teenager trying to grow up, the character did not seem to fit her at all. This movie was somewhat confusing to follow along. The only part that I like about this movie is the soundtrack. It is of course, Chnam Orn 16 sang by Sin Sisamouth. Other movies that she played in are Thavory Meas Borng and Enaw Bosba


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